Saturday 4 January 2014

Language Convention part 3

5th, Sunday, January, 2014

As the Codes of Digital Communication is coming to a close in this final chapter of this blog, we have come along way from virtually knowing nothing at all about the whole other world inside our own known as the internet we have covered from Communication protocols to Language Convention even communication in popular video games that brought two people together. 

So in this chapter of the blog the final one I will be talking about how to correctly format an email for formal purposes such as sending a job application or a complaint to the council. For this demonstration i will be writing arrange a meeting about a new service provider for the company.  

If you haven't already set up a non-casual email address do so as many companies will not take you seriously enough so make the name of the address neutral. 

Example of a good neutral

Example of a bad neutral address :monsigneur.harry.manback@slip’

The use of correct and very forward header/subject for the email is really important as it get strait to the point of the email and if its really important the recipient will recognize this as an urgent matter that he or she may need to address. So use keywords that carry the email well. For example "meeting on the 12th" which is pretty strait forward and stands out from most average emails that are not so important, as where a whole list of things such as "guest list, schedule and meeting" this is not really necessary as these can be explained in email or actually at the meeting. 

The use of correct and proper salutation by this i mean the title of your recipient whether they be a Mr, Mrs, Miss or even Dr. or even another option could you be using the salutation such as dear followed by the use of Sir or Madam. This would be used if you wouldn't happen to know. 

For the actual writing of the email itself we would need to introduce our self with a short and sweet introduction this can be about 4 - 5 lines. this can also describe the purpose of the email.  

and example of this would be: "I have been researching our choices for internet providers over the past week, and I wanted to update you on my progress."

Then on to the full message Which should explain how each point you are trying to explain whiter that be the progress you've have made in your research or what Intel you could have on particular problem or even if you have a fix that you will be bringing to the interview or the meeting that you are arranging. A great way to end this email would be with one of the following. 

  • Yours sincerely,
  • Yours cordially,
  • Respectfully,
  • Best,
To Finnish off you need to put your name, position and even contact information like a website, or a phone number to contact you by. 



Language Convention Part Two

5th, Sunday, January, 2014

The language known as the SMS language, also known as (Short Message Service) which is where the abbreviation  comes from that being SMS. The way an SMS message is sent is through a mobile communication system, the language is a derivative of the formal language as seen in letters and formal email as such we spoke of in the previous blog post. 

This language is a very large and diverse language, also can be quite universal with some limitations. These being language barriers, but now the world having 30% of its population speak English which is just over 2 billion people. makes the language quite conventional as it is a very large wide spread. 

A SMS message is to convey a comprehensible message using few letters mostly this is an informal way of communicating to one another and this makes speech much quicker with the use of shortened word which are called "Initializations" which can be composed of acronyms and abbreviations of words such as the term "Laugh Out Loud" would be shortened to the abbreviation of LOL which may be misconstrued for other terms such as lots of love or even little old lady. Having these words tied together in a well constructed manner the context controls the situation of the message.   


Tuesday 17 December 2013

Language Conventions Part One

17th, Tuesday, December, 2013

 The multitude of language conventions spreads far and wide from the very formal to the rather lazy and effortless.

 Very formal being the language you would see in a letter from your accountant or in a bank managers letter, that would be addressing changes of serious going ons within your back and account so of course this is completely necessary to be written in a formal way also. 

 Other language conventions such as social network posts such as posts to Twitter and Facebook don't need to be formal in any way as I have spoke in my previous blog entry, these social networking sites are not required for you to speak in great detail therefore that 140 character limit on twitter, its meant to be quick, fast and on the go. Other uses of informal language would be an email or letter to family or a friend as you would like to know how they are and what they have been doing recently.

 With formal you would possibly be writing to a boss or to your bank manager and as you most likely wont know them as a friend or family you must speak to them in a formal way as this is much more appreciated then having them reading a disembowelment of the English language for them to try and struggle to read.

 If you would like to apply for a job you are going to need to be able to write a cover letter in a formal way in order to give yourself a fighting chance against the other 50 people that apply for that same job. So the point I feel as if I have almost got across is that both form of writing have very different ways of displaying and portraying information and data.     

Monday 16 December 2013


16th, Monday, December 2013

You maybe wondering what social networking is? The idea of social networking is to be able to group individuals into specific groups, much like how rural communities and neighbourhoods are and work. Although the networking of the communities we come in contact whether that be the workplace, universities/colleges, and even high schools. Over all of those the most popular of all is the ability to do all of this at home making the online social experience able for us to branch out to completely different sides of the world, enabling to let everyone on the face of the earth to know and see what your eating drinking, even know what you are doing. 

The social network systems are not just a way of getting your thoughts on the internet, but the sites are multi-media platforms as they support the use of literature, pictures, and video some even support games like Facebook. Twitter and Tumblr have yet to have this function although it is not completely necessary as not everyone is interested in playing games on the important websites that they use through out the day. 

When it comes to online social networking they function in various amount of ways like Facebook firstly, is for getting in contact with friends and family, just like Friends Reunited did before 2005 then Facebook dominated that market then a year or so later came Twitter took the idea of Facebook but really simplified it and people liked to but for the people who don't write much that being its 140 character limit. 



16th, Monday, December, 2013

A video hosting platform, such as services like Youtube, Vimeo, Vine, Vidmeup and so many more intact there is 73 well known sites that host videos thats not including the other websites that are multiple platform hosting sites such newgrounds that hosts video, (mp4,mov,avi,m4v,ogg,ogv,wmv,mkv,webm,flv,3gp)and the raw flash file (SWF). This website also hosts images, games, literature and audio. 

The purposes of these video and multi-platform hosting services is also how (if you haven't already seen my previous post) the image sharing websites work a good example of this is Vine this particular service supports videos that have a limit of 7 second time to do a short message or even comedy, also popular site instagram allows us to do this but a much longer time frame to record, this is a limit of 15 seconds. 

The more popular video services such as youtube has a gargantuan user base with well over 1 billion different people visiting the website per month, which in that time there is roughly 6 billion hours of video uploaded, to every minuet there is 100 hours uploaded. An interesting fact is that the majority of youtubes traffic comes from outside the US 80%, What make youtube such popular website to upload is the partnership and google ad-sence which has allowed the users/constant content creators to leave their normal day jobs and work from home. 

The service of hosting videos for free viewing, a large and expensive service to provide. The warehouse that holds the many many servers that maintain the site this large company of which has data that stretches as far as 3 football pithes holding in over 100,000 server that each house 400GB of which was the capacity of 2008.  

The abilities of the video hosting services now days compared to the ability of 2005 (when it first started).