Monday, 16 December 2013


16th, Monday, December 2013

You maybe wondering what social networking is? The idea of social networking is to be able to group individuals into specific groups, much like how rural communities and neighbourhoods are and work. Although the networking of the communities we come in contact whether that be the workplace, universities/colleges, and even high schools. Over all of those the most popular of all is the ability to do all of this at home making the online social experience able for us to branch out to completely different sides of the world, enabling to let everyone on the face of the earth to know and see what your eating drinking, even know what you are doing. 

The social network systems are not just a way of getting your thoughts on the internet, but the sites are multi-media platforms as they support the use of literature, pictures, and video some even support games like Facebook. Twitter and Tumblr have yet to have this function although it is not completely necessary as not everyone is interested in playing games on the important websites that they use through out the day. 

When it comes to online social networking they function in various amount of ways like Facebook firstly, is for getting in contact with friends and family, just like Friends Reunited did before 2005 then Facebook dominated that market then a year or so later came Twitter took the idea of Facebook but really simplified it and people liked to but for the people who don't write much that being its 140 character limit. 


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