Saturday, 14 December 2013

Methods part 3

15th, Sunday, December 2013

MMORPGS! Everyone likes video games right? 

Well even if you aren't too fond of online video games it is a fantastic way to communicate with large community's who most likely have similar interests as you not only have the instant chat whist taking down hoards of enemy's, you can make friends to way into the battle with you. MMORPG's dates way back to the times of the early 90's more precisely 1991 there was a game called "Neverwinter Nights"  this paved the way for more successful games down the line but the core technology stayed, a game that goes by the name of World Of Warcraft took this very basic technology and beefed it up to a point where the game managed to gross 12 million players at it highest point. 

This could only mean good news for the communications of the game and the medium itself grew to a staggering number, since its original release date in 1994 to current date 2013 many many people have made friend and battled together, baring in mind the game was not always an mmo rpg, that was since 2004. 

In addition with the ground breaking fan base they grew and form many forums and discussion boards which lead to a lot of selling and trading of accounts, and yet more growth of people keeping in touch. The community is so strong and well built there has been large talk on the games own Reddit section, yes World Of Warcraft has its own section on one of the largest social news and entertainment website, Reddit. There was a meet at Connecticut airport seven or so years ago where a couple that have met on the game are married more info at the link

This just goes to show what the ability of communication in video games can effect people lives. I truly believe that its an amazing way to meet great new people as well as speaking to someone on a chat room or any real-time communication service.    

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